Suedia, din nou sub TEROARE! Trei persoane au deschis FOCUL în Malmo


?? Europa este sub continuă teroare! Un nou atac s-a soldat în Suedia, unde trei persoane au deschis focul în Malmo.
Deși nu există informații certe în acest moment, au apărut informații de la martori care afirmă că persoanele care au declanșat atacul armat ar fi partizanii grupării Statul Islamic.
Poliția nu a reușit, pînă în acest moment, să prindă niciun suspect din cei implicați. La fața locului au sosite mai multe echipaje de intervenție.

„A existat un atac armat şi sunt trei persoane rănite”, a declarat Fredrik Bratt, reprezentant al poliţiei din Malmo

mai mult la :
The Local : Two out of three men injured in a shooting in Malmö last night have been able to leave hospital.

Malmö police said one of the three men injured in a shooting at around 8pm on Sunday in the Holma district of the southern Swedish city remained in hospital on Monday morning.
The trio were found injured when police arrived on the scene. They were taken to hospital by ambulance and police cordoned off an area around the emergency ward in Malmö.
All three men, who police said were in their 20s and 30s, can be linked to Malmö’s underground drug trade according to police intelligence reports, reports regional newspaper Sydsvenskan.
One of the men was earlier this year convicted in court of threatening nurses at the hospital in nearby Lund after he was denied morphine against the pain of a gunshot through his lung.
Police spent the night speaking to witnesses and residents in the area, which was cordoned off until Monday morning as the forensic team carried out their investigation of the scene of the shooting.
Witnesses described seeing two people leave the scene on a moped after the shooting. No arrests had been made by 7am on Monday.

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