Uaau ! Ca sa nu fie expulzat in Suedia, Julian Assange a cerut azil politic in Ambasada Ecuadorului din Londra


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is inside the Ecuadorian Embassy in London seeking political asylum, sources told the Press Association.

He walked into the embassy, in London’s Knightsbridge district, and asked for asylum under the United Nations Human Rights Declaration.

The dramatic move followed a long-running legal bid by Mr Assange, 40, to halt his extradition to Sweden, where he faces sex crime allegations.

The UK Supreme Court decided on May 30 that extradition was lawful and could go ahead.

But Mr Assange was given time to consider the judgment.

The Swedish authorities want him to answer accusations of raping a woman and sexually molesting and coercing another in Stockholm in August 2010 while on a visit to give a lecture.

Assange, whose WikiLeaks website has published a mass of leaked diplomatic cables that embarrassed several governments and international businesses, says the sex was consensual and the allegations against him are politically motivated.

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